Before & After


The patient wanted an improved aesthetic and at the same time a naturally bright smile. 10 feldsphatic veneers were attached using advanced bonding technology to the outside of this patient’s existing teeth. A successful result and a happy patient!

All of our aesthetic cases are preceded by smile design – a digital planning that allows patients to see the intended end result before we start the treatment itself.



This wonderful patient came to us with tooth loss problems. The tooth loss had caused several teeth to be lost over the years. We managed to treat the tooth loss and restore the lost teeth with implants. Finally, porcelain crowns were made on the front teeth.

A very satisfied patient who we now have the great pleasure of meeting at follow-up check-ups.



Large gap between the front teeth and also a sharp slope of the same.

18 months of treatment with braces and a small filling on the front tooth results in a wonderful new smile.


The teeth do not have enough space, especially in the lower jaw.

Here, a decision was made to remove a small front tooth in the lower front jaw and then with a fixed brace adjust the teeth creating a harmonious smile.


Very crowded teeth means that two teeth have to be removed in each jaw to create enough space to be able to start treatment.

After 24 months, the center line is adjusted, the teeth aligns nicely in their dental arch and both patient and therapist are satisfied with the result.

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