Wisdom Teeth

We have the opportunity to offer surgical removal of wisdom teeth, something that we also help other dentists with through referral. Aggravating circumstances can be that the tooth is deep in the jaw or has a deviating anatomy. The procedure is performed completely under local anesthesia and is painless. However, you need to take painkillers some time after the procedure.
The wisdom teeth often start to appear around the age of 17-21 and are believed to be the answer of evolution to the fact that in the past we ate a different type of diet that required better chewing ability. As the human diet has changed, the jaw has shrunk – which is why it is common today to get problems from your wisdom teeth.
Problems from the wisdom teeth often manifest as swelling and pain from the area where the teeth are located. This can develop into excruciating pain, difficulty opening mouth or even fever. The reason is that bacteria easily accumulate around the wisdom tooth, which is often difficult to keep clean as it does not really fit in the jaw.
Dental Anxiety
If you feel great discomfort before your treatment, we, as one of the few clinics in Sweden, can offer you dental care together with an anesthesiologist.